Parks and Nature Walks
WPHG was formed in 1992 to raise awareness of the beauty of this Capability Brown landscaped park and to help protect it for posterity from development that may be detrimental to this unique space. Wimbledon Park is one of the most important London parks south of the river Thames. As Merton Council note, "Wimbledon Park is South London’s best kept secret!"
About the park
Getting the best from Wimbledon Park! Capability Brown’s work in Wimbledon Park for Earl Spencer in the 1760s has left us with a very beautiful and pleasant valley. In terms of sporting opportunities, I can’t think of a more concentrated area which offers such a diverse selection of sport that the public may take part in. Each of the clubs, perhaps excepting the All England unless you are a world class tennis player, are available for membership. Both the Golf Club and Wimbledon Club may require you to demonstrate your skill in their sport before offering membership, but both are quite approachable and welcoming.
About the safer neighbourhood teams
For years, the old tea room pavilion located by the Home Park Road entrance to the park had been derelict. Originally built in the 1920s during the time that the tennis courts were laid out, over time the need for the tea room vanished and it had been occasionally used by different groups while it continued to deteriorate. Rescue came when the Metropolitan Police developed the Safer Neighbourhood Team approach toward localising police work. The Met took over the pavilion, completely restored the building and located the Safer Neighbourhood Teams for both Wimbledon Park and Wimbledon Village Wards.
About horse close wood
Something that Alice Fookes was particularly concerned about was the state of Horse Close Wood. This section of wood located right at the North Eastern end of the park, is certainly older than the Capability Brown designed section of Wimbledon Park. Brown carried out his works in 1765 while Horse Close Wood appears to have been established well before that date. The wood was indeed in a sorry state, full of rubbish as you will find in the following paper.
About the heritage trial pictures
The following pictures are taken from the corresponding viewpoints detailed in the Heritage Trail Guide Click on the image to enlarge Viewpoint 1 Shows the old paddling pool and the new Elisabeth Pool which is a Heritage Group project. New signs have been added to the park to help you find your way around.
About the netball in the park
Recently six of the hard tennis courts have had additional lines added so that Netball may be played in the Park. Attached are some young ladies from The Study preparatory school in Wimbledon and my understanding is that they would really like to challenge other schools to play in Wimbledon Park!
The booking of a Netball Court is the same as booking a tennis court, so the following link will give you the contact data, or you can book at the tennis kiosk in the park.
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